The past six days have been rough/ lots of crying and anxiety and clinging to me and k. I’ve had to pry her off of me as she’s crying big tears. Yesterday was the worst day- she was anxious all day Sunday and kept saying how she didn’t want to go to school. (The kicker is that once she’s there she is fine according to her teacher and when I pick her up in the evening she talks about what a great day she had. She just doesn’t like me leaving her - or anyone leaving her.)
Yesterday, from the moment she woke up it was tears. “I don’t want to go to schoooool!” She cried through breakfast- and ended up not eating but a few bites. She cried getting dressed in which K had to end up forcing her arms through the holes on her shirt to get her dressed. She cried walking out the door... but then walking to school K skipped and walked with her and she seemed fine. Then we got to school. The tears started again, she clung to him as tight as she could and then he eventually had to pry her off and pass her on to another teacher. My heart was breaking. It’s so so hard for me to watch her be so anxious and upset and to leave her that way (even though I know she is happy when she’s there!) When she got home yesterday she told us about PE, about the color she was learning in Spanish, counted in Spanish to 13 and sang us some songs.
Last night mom helped me lay the girls clothes out and they slept in their new beds. This morning was the best morning yet. We cuddled before getting up and then slowly woke up (but about 30 mins earlier than usual). The girls got dressed right away then went downstairs to eat. There were no tears from Savannah Jane, just a few talks about not wanting to go. I redirected and we continued getting ready. We walked to school- all smiles. We got to the door and panic set in- but instead of tears she just clung to me- I gave a big squeeze, handed her off to a teacher and off I went. I’m so thankful for the friends and family who have been praying for her! I think we are finally coming around!!! :)
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