I promised almost a month ago that I would post pictures from our Texas/Mississippi trip and I am finally getting around to it! I think this weekend is the first weekend in over a month that K and I and RG are all together- no plans, just relaxing! I am always thankful for weekends such as this one- especially when in 5ish weeks we will be adding another family member (that won't be sleeping through the night, sigh ha!). (I started this post over a week ago and I am finally publishing it :-P )
(Days 1-3: March 11, 12, 13, 2013)
The day we arrived in TX, Raleigh Grace and I were greeted by my sister and her friend, Hailey. They were so sweet and immediately started playing with RG while I ordered some starbucks for myself and my mom who was waiting in the car.
We went back to my grandma's house where I let the biggest surprise in history happen. My whole immediate family was at my grandmas house (mom, stepdad, two sisters...) and they were spending time together for "spring break". My middle sister lives in Texas but the rest of my family lives in Mississippi so they were in town for the week. My middle sister, Elizabeth is recently engaged and was going dress shopping with my mom and youngest sister and talked about how much she wished I could be there but I told her that there was just no way we could afford it and being 30+ weeks pregnant- it just wasn't going to happen. My family was also in on the surprise (of course).
It was almost 10pm when we finally got to my grandma's house and I just walked in with Raleigh Grace like no big deal. When Elizabeth saw me she just screamed "OMG I'm going to cry!" (she was on the phone with her soon to be hubby and apparently they were talking about finances- he freaked out asking if she was okay and then she explained and quickly hung up the phone). We hugged, she cried, and we hung out and let everyone play with RG. :) (RG and grandma Cissie played music for us and watched the people in the music box dance:)
The second day we were in town we went dress shopping. Raleigh Grace tagged along with my mom and I and RG just oo'eh and ahh'ed over all the dresses! :) We found "THE DRESS!" and ordered it! :-D We had lunch at What-a-burger where RG enjoyed her first visit there. (Side note: I put a pic of her on instagram and tagged whataburger and whataburger requested to follow me... haha I thought that was great ha!) We then did some grocery shopping at the famous H-E-B... man how I miss Texas sized grocery stores! Only in Texas will you find furniture at the grocery store (for sale!) with your states markings ;) . Love it!
Hanging out with Auntie Bubs at Whataburger! And drawing a picture for her while dress shopping (little ones weren't allowed in one of the stores we went.)
Yes, this was IN the GROCERY store! <3 td=""> |
this is just one isle of produce! |
One of my dearest friends (and college roommate!) came over for dinner and to hang out!!
On the 13th my great friend Melanie and her son Ashton drove all the way down from Austin to hang out with us for the day (talk about a true friend!!) Ashton and RG are just two months apart and Melanie and I are both pregnant with little ones due just a month apart! Oh how I wish we lived close! Melanine is an amazing woman of God and her friendship is truly priceless! (Not to mention my two daughters will mary her two sons and our husbands are in a bro-mance together hehe!)
My sister feeding RG breakfast :) then going outside for a little morning stroll :) |
After Melanie and Ashton arrived we went to the park!! It couldn't have been a more beautiful day- mid 70's and sunny!!
Then of course we had to get some fro-yo! (Melanie with the babes that were so tired, wild, and all over the place running around. Pretty sure the lady working had no idea what to think with two pregnant ladies chasing two toddlers! haha)
The ladies and the FOUR babies!! <3 p="">
LOVE this woman so much!
Then we finished off a LONG, FUN, day with bedtime stories with Lala! |
....To be continued!
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