Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"The Blessing Box" link up!

Hey friends!! Ill admit- I'm on vacation this week and my blogging is going to be short and sweet due to only having access to the blogger app (and me not planning ahead and scheduling his post, oops). 

(Check out www.the-happyhome.blogspot.com for the link up!! :) as well as all the other co-hosts of this great link up.  I have no idea how to use HTML from the blogger app... :-P ) 

This week I have so much to be thankful for...
- I'm Thankful for all of the fun memories we have with K's grandma. She went to the hospital three or four weeks ago with a pain in her neck and was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We have been so blessed that we were able to take a trip to Arkansas this weekend to introduce Grandma to Miss Savannah Jane. I really don't have words for these sweet moments we had with her. She reminded me of how beautiful my girls and I were and how much she enjoyed getting the (Instagram) pictures I sent her of the girls daily. Hospice was called this week and we are praying for minimal pain and suffering. (Thank YOU for joining us in prayer- this is a very difficult time for our family- and this is K's last living grandparent). 
-Thankful for the resources to travel with my family in times of need. 
-and last but certainly NOT least... I am 
SOOO sooo happy & thankful for my  sweet sister who's getting married on SATURDAY!!!! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"The Blessing Box" Link-Up!!

Welcome to "The Blessing Box" link up!!

I am so happy to be co-hosting along side some of my best friends:

Natalie at Extraordinary Love
Jordan at The Smelly Life
Beth Ann My Life More Abundant
Mallorie at Happy Home
Cait at The Blessed Life

This is a fun little link up to post some of the ways that God is blessings you! I hope this shines some light in our world!



God's favor and protection.
  1. "may God continue to give us his blessing"
    Synonyms: protection, favor

Here are some of the blessings I am thankful for today:
-My Grandaddy is getting to feeling better (he had pneumonia last week) and we celebrated his 84th birthday this week! He has taught me so much and has always pointed me to pray and to trust in God.  I am thankful for him and the legacy that he has passed on to me through my dad.  With my dad having passed away a few years ago, I am even more thankful to have my Grandaddy in my life (or GGdaddy as he goes by now, for GREAT grandaddy to my babies ;) ) 
-I am extremely thankful for K- my awesome amazing loving hubby! We celebrated 4 years of marriage this past week! September 4, 2009. He is an amazing daddy and husband! 
What are the blessings in your life this week? 
Grab the code and link up with us! :) 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Guess What!?

Hey y'all!! I am sure many of you probably wondered if I had fallen off the face of the earth... believe it or not, thanks to gravity, I'm still here :)

We have been so busy the past three+ months I have not even logged into blogger! I am so ashamed!  The past three months have been totally igzilirating! Nothing shy of exciting, fun, and sometimes stressful. Having two babies 19 months apart is FUN. It really is but as we like to say... our hearts are full, and so are our hands!

I would like to say that I am going to catch you up on everything but I don't know that I will honestly be able to do that, so why don't we just pick up where we are now!

Here is a quick overview of this summer: We have been to the mountains, to the beach, to the pool, K and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary (We went to dinner at Bonefish grill without the kids {squeal!} and he got me a beautiful James Avery charm of a Texas flag since thats where we got married- I got him nothing :-/ ) hah! , played with family, played with friends, spent time outside, spent time playing inside (its rained a ton of the summer!) and much more I'm sure I am forgetting! :-P

Savannah Jane is 3 1/2 months old (gasp!) and Raleigh Grace is almost 23 months old (double gasp!!) Time has not slowed a second since Miss SJ entered the world, but its sped up 100% I feel like!

In less than TWO weeks my beautiful sister is going to marry the man of her dreams! We are so excited for her I can hardly stand it!

oh oh oh!! and I almost forgot!! I have not posted anything on the blog about it yet (I don't think?) but for Mother's Day (I know, ages ago!) K got me my own embroidery machine!! I have been having soooo much fun making things for the girls and also for friends and family! Let me tell you- it was not so easy to learn and it's no quick project either BUT it's something that I have really grown to love doing! It's rather time consuming so any free time I manage to get I like to whip up a fun shirt or other project- which has something to do with why my poor blog got pushed to the back burner :( .  Sad but true.  I miss blogging and and I miss all of you! I hope to be back more often now! :)

Also, tomorrow I am going to be co-hosting a fun little link up... I would love for you to stop by and check it out!

Thats about all I have time for, for now.  Looking forward to "catching up" and seeing you all back here tomorrow!

Here are some fun pictures for your enjoyment ;) If you don't already- make sure you follow me on instagram alliemacfallie :) 

she thinks she's funny ;) 

Happy 4 years to the sexy man ;) 

A few of the projects that I have done recently :) 

a surprise gift for a friend :) 

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