My Savior Jesus, my husband, my family, life, for a nice house to live in, for the clothes on my body, my husbands job, my kitty, my friends, for unexpected blessings, for the delicious food we were able to enjoy, having family all over the country, for the beautiful sunsets God paints, for the flowers, for air to breath, and for promising me everlasting life!
This was the first REAL holiday that my hubby and I got to enjoy together, and let me just tell you we couldn't have asked for a better one (except if we had all of our family in one spot with us)! It was terrific!
Wednesday night late my family came in town, my stepdad, mom, and two sisters. K had to work on Thanksgiving which was not our preference *but again we are thankful that he has a job* so all the women spent most of the day in the kitchen. I wont lie to you and tell you that my stepdad didn't help because he did. :) Just a couple of weeks ago my stepmom sent me her and my dads fancy china and silverware that was also my mom and dads. It was something that she wanted me to have, and a very special gift for me to receive! I didn't know it at the time but we were going to have my whole family (now 6 members) plus two of our very newly-wedded friends Em and Justin, over for Thanksgiving. That makes 8. YAY for having a big dinner at our house. My father and my youngest sis polished the silver while the rest of us spent the day cooking. We started out wanting to cook a turkey breast and a few other sides, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, etc. Well when you have six members, all of who have a different favorite Thanksgiving dish, you end up with lots and lots and lots and lots of food! We ended up cooking a WHOLE turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, gravy, sweet potato soufflé, a veggie crunch, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce, cherry delight, marshmallow salad, and pumpkin and pecan pies! :) I'm getting very full just thinking about all of the food! To say the least, we cooked ALL day long and it was a blast but very exhausting! Around 7:30 we all sat down to a beautifully cooked meal, and a gorgeous table set with the nice china and silver. I am kicking myself now because (gasp) I forgot to take ANY pictures what-so-ever! GRR! I can not believe I didnt take a single one of US or of the table... basically the only pictures I took were of the Turkey. haha I am not sure what that says about me but thats the reality. ha!
Yesterday we slept in for a good while which was much needed! We laid around the house for a few hours watching TV and just relaxing and then we decided that since it was such a BEAUTIFUL day (around 70 degrees and sunny and breezy) that we would take our party to the park. We took a frisbee and soccer ball and the 6 of us had a BLASSSTY blast! I really wish that we could do this at least once a week. It was so much fun and a great work out on top of that! So very enjoyable. There is also a really nice playground at the park there. The monkey bars dominated us all but it was still a great time! We came home, relaxed, watched "Elf" and ate some leftovers. Around 8pm we went to Barnes and Noble because Mike Huckabee (the presidential candidate) was doing a book signing! We got his book and got to talk to him for a little while. He is such a nice guy and I love that he is not afraid to stand up for his Christian beliefs! I think that he would be a great leader for our country. It was a pleasure to meet him. I did capture this on film :) ha! (Pics below). To end the night we decided to watch the new Disney movie "UP"
... now our family had mixed emotions on this movie but I will be very honest. This movie made me mad and irritated me. It is not my fav. disney movie. I had high hopes (I love little old men and boy scouts) and this movie totally let me down!
Anyways, today my family headed home and left me in a very quiet house (the hubs was of course working again). We had a wonderful Thanksgiving but thoroughly missed the rest of our family! I wish that we could all be together, oh how I anxiously await that day when we are ALL together forever in Heaven :) What a joyous day that will be- to be with our Savior and all of our friends and family! That is how I will end for today. Happy THANKSgiving :)
hubs gettin the Turk. ready to marinate
soakin up the goodness
mother daughter working
what the men in our family do... beer and UT football :-P
our friend J carving the turkey!

right before he signed my book

Huckabee's bus and my sisters and I

Huckabee's bus and the hubs and I
much love, allie-mac-fallie :)
Oh we love Mike Huckabee at our house!