June 12-18th
Oh my word!! This means my sweet little girl is eight months old!! I can not believe it! Yikes- she is on the slippery slope of turning one which scares this mamma like crazy!!! She is still however, the sweetest, cutest girl in the world and we seriously love her more and more every day!!
Raleigh Grace, this week you are:
-really enjoying time with family in Gatlinburg (see more photo's
here and
-clicking your tongue
-brushing your teeth in the sink (hehe see pic above!)
-pulling up on things with ease
-whispering- its almost like you are trying to talk in the donald duck voice Pop does to you... its really cute when you do it of course
-dancing- you will move to the music when someone is holding you while you are standing up! you bounce your knees and move your hips... ADORABLE!
-you try to "scroll" through the pictures on my phone (or whatever is pulled up on it)- you basically touch the phone like you are grabbing at something
-you love to hold two objects and hit them together or hit them on the floor, table, etc.
-you are walking with someone holding your hands really well- sometimes your feet will just start going so fast- we can all tell you want to walk SO bad!
-you looove people who wear glasses and you LOVE to take them off of them - Pop let you take his off about 100 times this week and so you expect that everyone else will let you too even though they don't but you still try. Pop would hold you and say "take off my glasses" and you would. Then he would say "put them in your mouth" and you would and then he would say "okay throw them on the ground" and you would. Of course you had no idea what he was saying but he knew what you were going to do so he would say it before you did it and it was so funny because it "seemed like" you were doing
exactly what he was telling you to do!
-on the 15th (Friday) you got your SECOND TOOTH!!! We knew it was coming and thought it might come through while we were at the family reunion and sure enough it did- gma Lala was the first one to really feel it. Its on the bottom next to your first tooth. Speaking of your first tooth- you can really see it now when you open your mouth for food or laugh!
-love ice chips
-got your first baby doll on Friday the 15th. Your cousin Elisa had a baby doll that you liked playing with at the house so gma had wanted to get you one at some point since you didn't have one. Gma Lala and I were shopping at the outlets with you in your stroller and we were in Carters just browsing the clothes when all of a sudden you just start doing your "ughhh ughhh" sort of grunting like you want something and we thought you just wanted out but you kept doing it and you were looking up- come to find out they had baby dolls on a shelf high up and you were so excited that you wanted to play with it! Mom got it down for you and you just kept giggling at it. They had another little baby-doll that looked more like an infant than a little kid (like the first one) and mom showed it to you- its eyes were closed (they were just a straight line sewn) and she was trying to get you to pick which doll you thought the infant one was so funny but you definitely liked the first one better. It was a small doll and sort of expensive so we put it back and decided we would look for one somewhere else but before we left we went back by the shelf and you again noticed her so mom bought you the doll ha!
-sing songs -- sometimes when there is music on you will babble
-scream when you hear loud noises or kids yelling: cute story: When we were walking down the streets of Pigeon Forge one day an ambulance came by that was reallllly loud (it drove right by us) as soon as it passed you were watching it and went "ahhhhh" really loud- screaming at it. It was the sweetest and funniest thing ever!
-you say "mah-mah" when you want me and "maaaah maaaah" when you want to nurse
-a challenge to put to sleep but usually if I nurse you, you do okay...
-waking up around 8- 8:30 in the mornings then napping around 10
-love entertaining everyone at the family reunion and everyone just oo's and ahh's over how adorable, sweet and well mannered you are!
our home away from home |
where we were staying (not natural but still beautiful as you are driving in!) |
first day "home" |
playing with her cousin Alyssa for the first time - RG is 2 1/2 months older but doesnt weight quite as much as Alyssa yet ha |
see I told yah! (Pop and RG with his glasses!) |
On Wednesday night in Gatlinburg you SAT up in your crib all by yourself after I had laid you down. I heard you crying and looked over and you were sitting straight up- I was shocked and couldn't help but laughing... you are such a mess. Needless to say I was so
happy for you I picked you up and took you back downstairs where you hung out with Aunt Carol for awhile (about an hour) before you went to bed around 11pm! ha You just were so wound up (weren't we all having so much fun) that you wanted nothing to do with sleep pretty much all week :)
your first time sitting up in your crib (trying really hard to stand but not successful... yet) |
Thursday when we were laying in the bed you tried to give me your passy and put it in my mouth- that melted my heart- you were sharing with me and you knew exactly what to do with your passy. I love you so much!
You also tried to put mom's glasses on her on Thursday. You love "gma" and you esp love her red glasses (you kept looking for them if they weren't on her and one morning you even found them under her pillow and started playing with them. You are so smart!!
-you say bah bah and blah blah
--maaaybe said dah-dah ONCE??? but not sure ...
Aunt Elizabeth was trying to feed you and you smacked the blueberries and they landed on her face- she was a great sport as always :) |
we just might have had a dance party in the living room one night and you, yes you, were in the center of the circle :) |
we went to the pool with these members of the fam but we didn't get a pic of you and I :( you love love love the pool (even though it was a little cold at first) |
Great Grandma Cissie with two of her great grand-babies |
basically the only naps you got all week were in the car rides and even then you kept your eyes open while sleeping ha |
despite your face you were intreaged with the balloon- you thought it was pretty cool and we had a lot of fun playing too ha |
My mom, my cousins daughter- Evie, and you :) (Evie just loved you and you loved her!) |
You are obsessed with Aunt Elizabeth's gold heart necklace from James Avery - I wish they still made them and we would get you one |
More fun hiking with Pop- you LOVED being outside and being "worn" in your carrier! |