(an advance "sorry" for the lengthy post... don't worry though, its well worth the read and it's mainly pics. enjoy!)
Is it just me or does it seem like the more I have to blog about the harder it seems to sit down and do it? My hubs informed me today that I needed to update my blog because he had no idea what was goin on in my life. He was kidding of course but that just made me think about all of you and how I owe you a glimpse into my life the past few days. Very busy, fun days at that! So let me back up to friday... that seems like a good place to start. K worked and when he got off work we ordered a pizza and started something that will not end anytime soon.
The OC on DVD.
I understand that to many of you this may seem trivial or even funny but I understand that you don't understand. And if you do understand, come over and join us, its the best time ever. But anyways, this show at first thought, may seem like just another one of your teeny-boper shows, but its not. I promise you that it is pure greatness! And for those of you that really know me... ya'll know that I don't watch TV and I don't watch movies... but this is my exception ha! Check it out for yourself. Thanks to Lindz and Hil my old roomates who helped me start this massive addiction.
Anyways, K and I stayed up Friday night until the wee hours of the morning watching the OC and finally we had to crash.
Saturday morning we got up at 5am to drive to WACO, TX for Baylor University's 100th Homecoming!
the sunrise!
SIC EM! We unfortunately got stuck in massive amounts of traffic heading south due to an accident that had all 6 lanes of I35 closed. Gross! Luckily we made it to the parade in just the nick-of-time! For those of you that don't know, Baylor University has the NATIONS LARGEST collegiate parade. Thats right, largest in the nation!
After the parade we made way to the football game vs Oklahoma State University. Despite the score we had a wonderful time. It was so great to run into sooo many people that I had not seen in quite some time including my wonderful roommate from freshman year in South Russell. Such great times!
That is my baby and I at the game
Jess and I - Freshman year roomies SoRo 461!
The game ended and the hubs and I walked around Baylor's Campus for several hours. I showed him where all of my classes were, my favorite spots, my dorm room, the swings, etc. As if we hadn't had enough fun already we went to Baylor's Alpha Chi Omega get together in the Panhellenic building. He got to see our room and where I spent countless hours of my college life.
in front of Pat Neff
Baylor's equivalent to a "Sorority House"
Judge Baylor
Love me some green and gold! Sic Em Bears!
The day was finally wrapped up with a delicious dinner at none other than Waco's best... Georges Bar! My friend Franzia met us and we had a great time before leaving good ol Baylor U.
We again headed southbound (yes, this is still Saturday... we had quite a long day...). We finally arrived at my parents house around 11pm or so and spent a small amount of time catchin up before bed. It was so nice to get to go home again! Sunday we went to church and then K and I to lunch together before going back to the church to help with their Pumpkin Patch. We consolidated pumpkins, bowled rotten ones as well as smashed rotten ones, loaded pallets for a bonfire and much much more. They had the best of Houston's singers and songwriters come out and play music. The weather couldn't have been better and the company couldn't be beat! (I will have to get mom to email me some of the pictures we took on her camera)
Monday, the storms came and we decided to sleep in which I of course enjoyed! Monday afternoon we went and ate indian food and boy was it good! Mom, K and I had fun hanging out there and then went to the grocery to get some items for din-din. We stayed long enough to help with dinner and to enjoy it with my dad when he got off work and then it was back on the road heading north this time.
We felt so blessed to get to spend so much time with my parents and for their loving and welcoming arms (and house). There is just something about being back home that no other thing can satisfy. K even told me it made him feel like he was closer to home just getting to spend time at mine. Thanks mom and P for all you did to make our trip so enjoyable! oh and for AJ- thanks for giving up your room for the weekend! :) We appreciate it!
Last night was fun. We celebrated Halloween just as I would like... watching "The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown," and carving a pumpkin!
karl cutting the bottom out (its a good trick- easier to light the candle then just set the pumpkin on top) 
me pulling all the nasty goo out... I had no help :(
(right) Me carving the pumpkin
pumpkin got a lil sick
K carving....
cleanin the old man up...
lighting the old man up (that sounds awkard ha)
And here is the final Jack-o-lantern... I'm not gonna lie, he kinda creeps me out a lil bit ha!
Well that was our weekend/week for yah! And that is just about all that has been goin on. I will however update you on another creation that I attempted to create this morning. Boy was it a chore but it was still fun!
If any of you like Home-made cinnamon rolls this is a good one to try! Although, I will warn you-- this recipe makes about 20 HUGE rolls... waaay more than K and I can handle on our own so some of my sweet friends got a lil early halloween treat! :) To find the yummy recipe you can check out Blue Cricket Design. Enjoy the photos! <3
rolling the dough out, and then rolling it up, and the final product plus icing...mmmm!
PS: IF YOU READ THIS WHOLE ENTRY, LEAVE ME A COMMENT! YOU ARE MY HERO! :) sorry for the overload there was just lots to update on :)
I love your pumpkin! I've never carved one... Scott and I were going to do one this year and we never got around to buying one!!!
ReplyDeleteyour pumpkin looks great!