This weekend we took a day trip to Galveston and saw some of the damage from IKE. We took a ferry from Galveston to Bolivar Island. We drove around the island, walked out on a jetty, and caught a couple hermit crabs (we let them go). We returned to Galveston, then ate a wonderful meal at Gaido's (sooo delicious!) Unfortunately most of the day was raining but we managed to still get out some and walk on the beach and such but as we were leaving to head back home the bottom fell out. Luckily we made it home safe and sound through all the mess with a wonderful chauffeur, my stepdad! Here's a few pictures of what it looks like more than a year after the hurricane...

Sunday we went to church where I went all through middle and high school, Holy Cross Episcopal and received a very good message from Father Scott about Marriage! Very convient I thought :) His sermon can be found "here". We had lunch at Double Daves pizza and then made a long trek back to our house... we brought one of my kitties Yoda back with us, but my other kitty Ariel was not going to let me take her away from my parents house, so we ended up leaving her. She would hiss and bat at me anytime I got near her. She definitely knew something was up. Yoda, on the other hand, happily crawled in the cage once it was by the door and was ready to go. He only cried a short distance and then napped the rest of the trip home. We stopped at Freebirds and ate din-din and finally made it home around 11:30pm.
Sunday we went to church where I went all through middle and high school, Holy Cross Episcopal and received a very good message from Father Scott about Marriage! Very convient I thought :) His sermon can be found "here". We had lunch at Double Daves pizza and then made a long trek back to our house... we brought one of my kitties Yoda back with us, but my other kitty Ariel was not going to let me take her away from my parents house, so we ended up leaving her. She would hiss and bat at me anytime I got near her. She definitely knew something was up. Yoda, on the other hand, happily crawled in the cage once it was by the door and was ready to go. He only cried a short distance and then napped the rest of the trip home. We stopped at Freebirds and ate din-din and finally made it home around 11:30pm.
Yesterday was back to work for K but luckily this week he finally has better hours (thanks so much for your prayers- Glory to God!!) We have really enjoyed getting to spend more time together, and I really have enjoyed making dinner for us and having a more "normal" marriage!
Today I thought it would be fun to cut coupons from the Sunday paper in attempt to "save $$"and that we did. Tonight we went shopping for groceries and had a blast while doing it... we ended up spending about $120.00 but saving almost $40.00!! Exciting, but I still spent a lot of money ha! I was so excited about scanning all of the coupons (I am a nerd... I know) so we went to the self check out lane with our hundreds of items. When we were finally done scanning all of the groceries I was super pumped to scan the coupons-- I press the "coupon" button and it tells me to "please hand the coupons to the attendant"... I was so disappointed, all that work and I didn't even get to scan my own coupons ha! Oh well... thats life I guess ha!
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