This weekend we met up with some extended family and enjoyed a great weekend at the beach! Raleigh Grace had SO MUCH FUN hanging out and playing with her cousin (my cousin's son) Drew! They would carry on conversations- chatting away with each other, and they loved "playing together"- which usually consisted of TONS of toys scattered all over the floor and the two of them taking turns snatching the toys from each other's hands. Luckily... neither of them minded the other taking toys away but it was quite funny to watch them trading off ha! We went to the beach, rode the boat and had tons of fun!

This trip Raleigh Grace actually SWAM in the OCEAN for the first time. We took her out about waist deep (on K and I) and would hold her under her arms and she would kick, and kick, and KICK! I would hold her for awhile and let her swim to Daddy, then he would hold her awhile and let her swim to Mommy! She still loves eating the sand and she even played with some sand toys (a bucket and a shovel) for the first time. She loooved splashing in the water and even got DUNKED in the ocean- she held her breath and just popped right back up like nothing. She truly is a water bug and we love that! We would walk her around and every time she would turn towards the ocean and just walk right in. We would have to stop her because it was like she had no fear of it at. all.! K said he spent more time in the water this trip then he has the past few years of going to the beach.

K and I also enjoyed some great time hanging out and talking in the little tide pools, while our family watched Raleigh Grace. Saturday night when we had gotten back from a boat ride we were going to get ready for dinner and noticed a beautiful sunset so we went and "chased it!" We were going to go to the BIG bridge and snap some pictures of it but instead we went to a little "park" and snapped some pictures- it was the same park that three years ago we took our 1st engagement pictures! What a special way to spend out "engagement anniversary!" (we celebrated more for it than our actual wedding anniversary ha!). The sunset was truly spectacular- definitely one of the prettiest I have ever seen!
view from our dock
at the park |
stealing a kiss :) |
Saturday night we were so late getting ready that by the time we got to the Seafood Restaurant that we wanted to go to it was closed so we ended up at an island favorite- Sharky's!
little tiny foot prints on the dock (Drew's :) )
Sunday, we went to the beach and played more and took some fun pics of the kiddos on the beach. Both babies even napped together for about an hour. It was the BEST sight this Mamma has ever seen ;) I kid, I kid. haha.
Here are just a "few" pictures from our fun weekend!
licking the sand and salt water off her face... she loved doing this!
baby crack hehe & RG playing with her sand toys!
story of my life... hehe
enjoying some Sunset Slush mango & blue raspberry-- lets just say she was NOT happy when she finished it! |
best view in the world! :) |
my favorite picture from the whole weekend!! Sums it up! :)
"Why can't I eat this shell mom?! I've been eating sand all day and you didn't mind." :)
Then on our drive home Sunday night: another beautiful sunset then lightening illuminating the clouds!! :)