I do realize that Raleigh Grace is now 15 months old (no, I swear I'm not in denial) I have just been a slacker (as usual) and I'm behind on posting. I have a note that I keep open on my phone where I can jot down important things I want to remember about each month. I don't really have a format so to speak, just details that I don't want soon forgotten *my memory is the worst!*
After trying to pick some of my favorite pictures from this month I am a)ashamed that I didn't blog more about some of these fun things that we did! and b)utterly shocked at how much Raleigh Grace has grown and changed in just two short months-- she looks so different to me in these pictures compared to now, her expressions are different, she is bigger, and she has more hair! ;) I hope you all enjoy looking at these pictures and stat's as much as I have!
On November 17th you turned
Got TWO MOLARS! (sometime the last week of month)
Blowing kisses bye
Kissing things- actual smacking noise
Gives kisses to people.
Looks you in the eye and opens mouth as she goes for the lips ha!
Babbles and screams yells a lot- babab dada no doeh doeh duh etc
Mimics LOTS of things we say.
Gets lots of sounds correct!
Loves bringing books to you to read but changes books every two or less pages ha
VERY busy- always has been but always on the move and into something
Loves playing with her bday balloons... Will shake them as she carries around.
Laughs in response to laughing.
Knows when you are laughing at her
Knows her eyes, nose and belly button, toes and feet
Tries to put shirts on her head and tried (11/10) to put pants on her legs.
Identifies airplanes when she hears them -- she points up to them... She can see them at night and during the day.
In her birthday outfit! |
playing with my mom at the Japanese restaurant |
Eating a chocolate chip cookie ;) |
I'm not sure what she is doing but she looks like she's trying to escape mischief ;) |
just pitiful! |
Favorite toys/activities:
Pulling books off the shelves and going through the pages of them
Any musical anything (including tv show intro songs/commercials)- she starts dancing- shaking hips tilting shoulders back and bouncing knees.
Plays peek a boo on her own (did before bday too)- usually hides behind blankets or clothes :)
Carrying clothes on hangers (specifically hers)
Putting clothes on (or trying to)
Clothes in general
Pulling things out of her diaper bag or other containers
Bath time and splashing big time
Squirting her bath toys herself
She loves being chased and thinks its SO funny!!
She enjoyed her 1st trip to Monkey Joe's on Halloween for a friend's birthday party-- it's an indoor inflatable play place and we both did the HUGE slide together! FUN! |
Playing with Peyton and Eli |
Raleigh Grace's 1st Halloween to go trick-or-treating! She dressed up as a Zebra... and boy was she the cutest zebra I have ever seen!! |
She was so excited about her own candy bucket that Emma Claire sent her! It even had her name on it!! :) |
RG and my cousin-- RG wasn't sure what to think about the face paint (and yes, all night she carried around this hand colander that she found in my aunt's cabinet.) |
Passing out candy before trick-or-treating herself. |
Going to the first house!! |
We announced our family was growing by an additional "pumpkin" :) |
Following commands:
Put this in trash
Come here
Sit down
Watch your head
Where's your baby/ bunny/ passy/daddy- she looks for them
Give this to daddy, mommy, ggdad, etc
Put the baby in the bed
Get down
Be careful (climbing into her chair- very cautious)
No (ma'am)/ don't do that
Give me a kiss
Can I have a bite (she feeds me)
Went to my great aunts funeral :( but got to see some family... Here is RG with Great Grandpa! |
My cousin, his son (Drew) and RG |
So laid back enjoying lunch! |
Sleepy head just waking up... milk face and all! |
oh! thats more like it :) |
Amazing 13 hrs ish
Sleeps from around 10-9 +\-
Naps twice for anywhere from an hour to two and a half or three.
Obsessed with the flowers |
Playing with/ Smelling the flowers! |
She eats a ton if you give her what she wants: hush puppies, bread, rolls, hot dogs, lunch meat, applesauce, oatmeal, yogurt and almost any fruits.
We can not get her to eat veggies unless it's in a pouch mixed with fruit.
We have tried fresh veggies, steamed, mashed up, solid, whole, bite sized, puréed. None work for carrots, broccoli, green beans.
She sometimes eats peas and potatoes.
She loves apple juice but only gets it on special occasions.
She loves drinking mommy and daddy's drinks out of big cups and a straw (or without that just equals more backwash ha)
Loves sweets and chocolate (duh, she's my child!)
Such a good helper with the laundry! |