Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tasty Treat Thursday w.3

Guess What!? It's that time again...
Time to link up with Mallorie and I, and post your favorite recipe!

Chicken Pasta in White Wine Garlic Sauce
first of all, I have to admit that this is brought to you by the HUBS!! 
He totally treated me on Monday night with this awesome meal... not to mention cleaning the house, unloading the dishwasher, reloading the dishwasher, cleaning our sweet youngin', getting her all ready for bed, and entertaining her until my "show" (ahem, you know... my guilty please- Bachelor Pad) was over!! He rocks my world but thats no new news! 

I'm normally not huge on pasta but this dish was seriously scrumptious (or I wouldn't share it with ya'll-duh ha)
We served with Garlic Cheese bread (and skipped the salad)... double YUM! 

K told me he found this on "google" so there's my source ;) 

Drooling yet??


Be sure to grab the button below and link-up with us! :)

Living the Adventures

Don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!! :) 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Raleigh Grace WALKING!!

As of this past weekend I feel like I can officially say that we have a walker!!! Raleigh Grace now walks more than she crawls!! She started walking at 9 1/2 months and now at 1o months and a week she's on her own-- I can not believe it!! 
Check out the evidence for yourself.... 
This first video was taken at the beach... I saw her walking and started filming as soon as I could-- she was already 1/2 way there when I started filming :) 

This second video I am embarrassed to be sharing-- we have been cleaning out out house and we have boxes and junk everywhere and the tv is on... please ignore the mess and focus on the cutie walking across the living room all. by. herself!!! :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

RG by the Week: 45 Weeks!

August 21-27
Check out some pics from the week {here}

no new stats this week... I do notice your feet and hands are much bigger, K held your foot up to your newborn foot print on the wall and your feet are almost double the size! Growing so fast :)
I have been waiting 10 months to say this:  BED HEAD! :) hehe That hair is blonde blonde and growing!

I know I have said this the past couple of weeks but LITERALLY you have soo many firsts this week- its like every day is something new and exciting- it really is!
Just to list a few:
- (22nd) you learned that you can push your little pink adirondack chair around the living room on the wooden floors- its like your new push toy ha!
- (22nd) You even let go (of your chair) and took a few STEPS on your own!! Proud mamma!
-you reached in the bag of cheerios for the first time
-you learned how to pinch (you used to do this when you were really little when you were nursing but a couple of weeks ago you learned to pinch the skin on my arm- I think you were trying to hold on to me)
-You tried chicken (not baby food) and love it
-You ate your first hot dog at the Oasis (you had tried a hot dog at home a couple of weeks ago but at the Oasis you ate the WHOLE thing! )
-You started craning your head to see something that went out of view (you were doing this at the Oasis- people watching ha... someone stepped out of your view and you were arching your neck so hard to see them) ha
-Friday you fell into the coffee table for the first time and hit your little cheek- you have a bruise still (and its Tuesday).  You cried and I picked you up to cuddle you but that made you more mad- you squirmed out of my arms and went back to playing around the table... that was the end of that ha
-Friday afternoon before we left for the beach you had a sandwich (Turkey, cheese, mayo and mustard.) You loved it and nearly ate 1/2 of my sandwich ha
-You anticipate daddy playing with you and "attacking" you and you laugh hysterically... I have a video from Saturday night at the beach- yall played hard for nearly a half hour!
-You fed the sea gulls on the beach for the first time Saturday (last sunday you fed them at the beach house).  You just watched them and sat very still. I think you enjoyed it :)
-Daddy buried you in the sand for the first time on Saturday you didn't mind it a bit... you just sat there and played with the sand ha! (you didn't eat as much sand this weekend as last- you played more this weekend)
-Saturday night you walked on your own TONS without anyone encouraging you-- this was the first time I had noticed you walking wthout someone clapping or trying to get you to walk
-Sunday you kissed your first fish (this is something my Daddy and I used to do when we would catch a really great fish- we would make a kissy face and pretend we were kissing the fish, I have a picture of Daddy and I doing this framed in our house ha) (you kissed a small minnow I had caught in the throw net.  We have a pic on your Daddy's phone I will have to get later)
-Saturday you tried French Toast for the first time and loved it!!
- (27th) you tried baby food mac and cheese and LOVED it! (You have had big people mac and cheese before (from KFC) and you of course liked that too ha)
- (27th) You started following Daddy and I around on foot (you were walking, chasing us around) haha You really started walking A LOT on your own today.  You walked all the way across the living room floor on your own (we weren't paying attention and I looked up and there you went!)
-Saturday at the beach you shut the cooler on your hand- I think this was the first time you have smashed your fingers- you fussed and then opened the cooler, got your fingers out and looked at your hand and fussed and pouted a little... you rarely really cry.
-You discovered drawers (you found the drawers on my armoire) and learned to open and shut them (27th) and even smashed your fingers in them a few times and fussed.
First hot dog at the Oasis
that poor cheek right after she fell :( 
Behavior/ Loves:
-you love animals (we went to the pet store this week and you loved watching the gerbils, hampsters, and birds)
-taking things out of the trash
-taking things out of the laundry basket
-taking things out of the diaper bag
-basically taking things out of anything and throwing them on the floor ha
-love the book Brown Bear
-you love playing with the pine needles out on the porch
-you took a nap in your swing for the first time in ages
-you have become a lot more protective of Daddy and Mommy. You get more upset than normal when we leave you (sometimes this is true- not 100% of the time)
-Sunday you were scared of the fish I had caught that were swimming around in the bucket... you kept fussing and wanting to be held- I don't know if you were just tired but you did not like being near the fish in the bucket-- I couldn't even convince you to play in the water in the bucket haha (thats never been an issue ha!). Daddy said he hopes this isn't a sign of things to come.
- (27th) I noticed you have become a little more reserved when others want to hold you.  Even when aunt Donna wanted to hold you, you turned away and squeezed my arm tight.
-You are TOTALLY MISS INDEPENDENT! You do not want us doing anything for you.
-You would rather walk than be held or sit in a buggie at the store (we noticed this the 27th at Costco... you walked most of the time and refused to be held or sat in the buggie, thankfully I had an extra set of hands with me!)
-You have started to throw a short frustration fit if we take something away from you that you want to keep.  You will squeeze onto the item and "yell" and grunt out of frustration (sometimes its hard for me not to laugh)
-You say dada all the time now
-when I ask you, "where is Dada?" you will look for him or if hes in the room you will look at him :)
-you know the sign milk and eat when we sign them to you along with saying them.  You can sign milk on your own.  We are trying to teach you the sign for more.
-love playing with your babies and loving on them
-climbing!! everyday you get a little more adventurous- yesterday I looked over and you were standing in your bumbo (thankfully on the ground) and I also caught you standing in your pink adirondack chair!
needs no words... this is my life now ha!
driving to the beach
I asked her how you felt about being at the beach and this was your response ;) 
Beautiful sunset on the way to the beach 
...has been good! Even when we are on the road to the beach you do great!! I am so thankful that you are sleeping pretty much from 10pm until 5 or 6 am then going back to sleep until around 9/9:30am.  :) You go down for most of your naps and bed fairly easy, you usually put yourself to sleep talking and don't cry.
you do what it takes to get what you want :) 
You are eating great, you eat anything we give you (baby food and table food).  You usually get whatever we are eating in addition to purees.  Your favorite is still your baby yogurt.
You still nurse when you wake up and when you go to bed and about every 4-6 hours in between.
Daddy got up for 5 seconds and someone took over "his" chair ha!
after 30 minutes of fighting you gave up.... and then 30 minutes later you were awake again ha
most beautiful sight :) 
same as last week although we are putting you in some 9 month outfits because you have quite a few super cute summer-y ones and I definitely want you to wear them at least a few times before its "fall".

poor little bruise
you spent lots of time walking between the coffee table and the chair...
someone got really brave on Saturday night and did lots of walking on her own!! :) 

Favorite Moments:
Literally, all of them! Esp fun beach weekends!

First time feeding the gulls on the beach
Most Challenging: 
Getting you to nap on the beach usually isnt a problem but for some reason you cried for 30 minutes on Saturday before taking a 30 minute nap.  Not your best but it wasn't terrible :)
had lunch with Aunt Cecil and Emma
from our trip with Drew a few weeks back but thought it was too cute not to share!
oh you know, matching swim suits :) 
Looking forward to:
Seeing Mallorie and Emma Claire!!!! :) :) :)

Mommy Moments: 
Daddy totally outdid himself and cooked dinner, cleaned the house, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, bathed you and told me it was my "night off"!!!! What did I do? Watch Bachelor pad! :) ha! LOVE YOUR DADDY!
if only daddy had taken me shopping... mommy said no :)

Delicious dinner Daddy made for Mommy (27th)
how I spent my "night off!"

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!! 
{if you haven't already!} 

Friday, August 24, 2012

{Insta} Friday!

life rearranged
{Linking up with Life Rearranged for instafriday!}

I am so happy that it is officially FRIDAY!!! 
This is our last "free" weekend until november which makes me terribly sad and happy at the same time... I guess that means that summer is coming to an end {tear} and fall is quickly approaching {cheers}!  I love summer and usually love for fall to come but I have to admit it seems like this summer has FLOWN by and I am not quite ready for fall... I long for more days at the beach lounging on the porch drinking a cold one or laying out at the beach with my toes in the sand doing the same.  Speaking of beach... I think we will take a last minute trip this weekend! :) 

If you don't follow me on instagram you can: @alliemacfallie ... I am private but don't hesitate to send a request :)
Here are some pictures from this past week!
{1}Somthing in the mail for me!? Gasp! Thank you #Anthro! 
{2}So much fun at the pool!
{3}I love this cuddle bunny... Laying in bed with mamma
{4}This is how you know you are loved! ha!

 {1}She pushed the chair all around the room... Glad we didn't spend tons of money on a stand up "walking" toy. AND she let go and took a few STEPS ON HER OWN!
{2}Thats cheerio dust ha!
{3}Love that the pine needles kept her occupied and happy for almost 30 minutes
{4}I guess she wanted some yogurt
 {1}I would TOTALLY get a TON done if I had this space in my house... hint hint!
{2}Woah go check this out at Bible Gateway! Lamentations 3:22-29
{3}Someone is an animal lover already
{4}In TX we put up fences, in NC we build hills. #weirdbuttrue

{1}Ahh another reason I love target! They now have mobile BABY coupons via text!! 
{2}I knew there was a reason we hadn't packed up the swing yet... it still works wonders! 
{3}Hubby is home early and he brought me an afternoon snack!
{4}Snack time again, she cracks me up! (This was the first time she "reached in" a bag to get someting)

{1}This actually happened today! #proudofmyself ! Finally bed time!
{2}Such a sneaky little monkey!
{3}Look mom, I found a toy!! What is this? 
{4}And heaven and earth will sing! 

Oh, and two reminders:
1. don't forget to check out my giveaway!!!
2. There is still time to link up for Tasty Treat Thursdays if you didn't yesterday, we would love to have you! (if nothing else you should check out some of the delish recipes posted! mmm! ) 

I hope y'all have a great weekend!! :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tasty Treat Thursday w.2

Welcome to Tasty Treat Thursday!! 

If this is your first time visiting, Mallorie and I are happy to have you ... if you joined us last week then we are glad you are back!
Feel free to post a favorite recipe (new or old) and grab the button and link up with us!

This week I am posting one of my Freezer Meals that I posted about a couple of weeks ago.  I cooked it for the first time last night and we LOVED it!!! Let me tell you- this dish was delicious... (Maybe even my new favorite go-to meal)! 

Cilantro/Lime Chicken (with black beans and corn)

 (the following makes two freezer meals- aka 2 ziplocks)

6 chicken breasts (or 12 chicken tenders)
3 Tbs olive oil
2 limes, juiced
2 cups cilantro
1 large bag of frozen corn (or two smaller bags)
4 minced garlic cloves
1 finely chopped red onion
2 cans of black beans, rinsed
2 tsp cumin or chipotle powder
salt/pepper to taste

split between two bags, seal, mix, lay flat, freeze

Directions for bags: 
cook on low 8 hours or high 4 hours, serve with hot tortillas or tostitos. Dress with sour cream, guacamole, and/or cheese

*about 3o minutes before it was done I squeezed in 1/2 a lime and then threw the lime in too*
*I topped the chicken with mexican blend cheese and squeezed some lime over it then put a dollop of sour cream on top! (I love lime- can you tell?)

Now, grab the button and link up with us!! :) 

Living the Adventures

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Digital Scrapbooking Review & GIVEAWAY!

I LOVE scrapbooking!! Are any of you avid scrapbookers too? I really wish I had more time to put into it but there honestly just aren't enough hours in the day for me to complete a scrapbook.  It takes way too much time, lots of supplies that take up lots of space (which we don't have), not to mention the money it costs for all the paper, stickers, books, etc.!  

When I received an email from My Memories to review their digital scrapbooking software I was intrigued!  I downloaded the software and within minutes I was ready to go... it was so nice to have everything I needed right at my fingertips and not have to wait to receive the scrapbooking software!  Oh and get this-- the software doesn't limit you to only scrapbooks, you can also make invites, photobooks, printables and much more! Once created you can save the documents straight to your computer and print them out or save them to your computer!

Here is a page I started that took less than 5 minutes!
you can also choose what photos you want to use and it will automatically upload them into different pages in different templates that match your scrapbook. greatness!
Be sure to check out their website

How to win:
There are 7 different ways to enter, use the entry form below to enter, use the form below to enter.

1) You must be a follower of my blog
2)Leave a comment telling me why you love this giveaway

(additional entries:)
3) (2 entries) Follow me on twitter ( @alliemacfallie )
4) (2 entries) Like Living The Adventures on Facebook
5) (2 entries) Tweet about this giveaway- mention @alliemacfallie and @MyMemoriesSuite (can be done once per day)
6)Follow @MyMemoriesSuite on twitter 
7) Like My Memories on facebook

Also, My Memories is giving my readers a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for store - $20 value!
Use this code when checking out: STMMMS32970

This giveaway will end on September 2, 2012 at midnight, EST

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

RG by the Week: 44 Weeks

On August 17th you turned 10 months old!!! Woah baby... only 2ish months until you are one!! :) 
Aug 14-20th
(I posted a ton of pictures from this past week on my Insta friday post! Be sure to check them out!)

18.2 lbs!!! :) (with clothes and diaper according to home scale)
I seriously think you have some strawberry blonde in your hair... despite your daddy's disbelief!  Its beautiful and I love watching your hair blow in the wind... you seem to have so much hair (for you hehe) these days :)
hows that for some hair :) 
you have started patting your mouth and going ahhh or baaa or brrr and making fun noises patting your mouth.
You started doing this cute squinty eye thing today on our walk after lunch... the more daddy and I laughed at you the more you kept doing it.
You learned how to "brush your hands off" at the beach this weekend and you have learned how to crab walk on your hands and feet- you did not want to crawl on the deck at the beach house so you would crab walk!
Walking- you have been walking for about 3 weeks now but this week you are getting even BETTER-- this week you have realized that we clap and celebrate when you are successful in walking on your own and you loooove to impress us! When we celebrate you, you just smile and laugh and clap yourself!! You are proud of yourself! :)
on the move (which is why its a little blurry) 

we spent this past weekend at the beach... I bet you ate 3 or 4 CUPS of sand... I mean you were eating it by the handFULL and there was no stopping you... lets just say your next few diapers looked like you had been sitting in the sand at the beach ha!
You crawl and walk and are getting into everything... you are also a lot more adventurous than you have been and are starting to try to climb on things.
You got a big bruise on your head this week- you were playing at Paw-paw and gma's house with the little baby bed and baby and fell into the wall.  You cried a little but you were fine after mommy picked you up.  You love the baby and baby bed at their house :)
You love love love water... I have said it before but you are so attracted to it... maybe you are a future swimmer?? You laugh when we laugh, cough when we cough!  It is hilarious to watch you copy us! You are so happy and easy going- even when you are sleep deprived. We love you so much!

she loved playing dolls with her cousins!! 

and of course paw-paw too! :)
This week has been amazing. You are such a great sleeper lately and for that I am forever grateful!  You are never asleep when I lay you down anymore... I can nurse you and sometimes you fall asleep and sometimes you don't but when you do the second I lay you in your bed you sit up like you have been wide awake for hours.  Usually before I lay you down, I cradle you in my arms and sway side to side or swing you back and forth from left to right until your eyes get heavy.  When I leave the room sometimes you fuss a little and then go to sleep and sometimes when I leave you sit up but I never hear a peep from you and you just go right to sleep. :)
You looove your little bunny that you sleep with- when we give it to you, you pull it up to your face and sometimes put it in your mouth and giggle.  You go to sleep so much better when you are holding it and you rub it between your fingers too.
lil froggie 
when we are on the go we put you in your seat and rock you-- this past week we were at GGdad's and you fought sleep for longer than you napped ha! When you finally went to sleep you were sleeping with your eyes open :)
napping at the beach house (thankfully!) The first night we were there you would not sleep! You fell asleep around 11pm and when Daddy and I went to bed around 1am you woke up and didn't go back to bed till around 2am.  Mommy didn't go to sleep until about 2:30am and you were back up at 5am ate, then fell back asleep till 7.  I think it was a combination of being in a different place and sleeping all the way to the beach (3ish hrs) and being in the same room as mommy and daddy.  It was not like you at all-- you screamed and cried when I tried to put you back down.  Thankfully you are back to your normal "sleep routine" now :) 

You are eating good again- anything we give you.  This past weekend at the beach daddy let you try an onion! YUCK!... you didn't seem to mind but I knew it was hard (uncooked) so we instructed you to spit it out which you did.  You still love eating off of our plates and most definitely your favorite food is bread :) You will eat about 6-10 oz of baby food per meal.  You are still nursing in the am when you wake up and during the day every 4-5 hrs and of course at night before bed. I love that bonding time with you!
lunch with Uncle Charlie, Granny Fox, Pawpaw, Mommy and Daddy (when we met up with Daddy because his battery died on his car) 
her first time looking at a fish tank- she was mesmerized! 
I think you have started to outgrow your 6 month footed sleepers :(  Your poor little feet looked so scrunched up in them last night when we put you in them but the 6-9 month ones eat you alive ha. You are wearing mainly 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers but I think you are almost ready to move up a size! It seems like you have been in two's forever but thats good because we had a big stockpile of them :)

pulling the books off the shelf / playing hide and seek around the chair with daddy (at the beach)
Favorite Moments: 
Spending the mornings laying around, nursing you and cuddling.  Watching you become more aware of our emotions and you copying us (laughing when we laugh).  You are such an entertainer ... you always make mommy and daddy soo happy!!  Also, watching you play at the beach is one of my favorite things... Its so hard to believe that in a few months you are going to be walking everywhere! wheph!
We started a tentative list of people to invite to your first birthday party and started talking about planning it :)
starting your invite list for your party
playing hide and seek :)
busted! :) so sneaky though!
pulling everything out of the diaper bag
playing in the rain
Most Challenging: 
nothing this week *minus the first night at the beach*

Looking forward to: 
You're walking good on your own.  You are doing such a GREAT job right now. You have great balance and can walk about 10 steps on your own.  You are consistently walking 3-5 steps on your own! :)

Mommy (Daddy) Moments: 
I am loving that I don't have to go back to teaching again this year... I miss teaching dearly but nothing could ever replace the great memories and bonding that you and I have daily.  I love every minute of it and wouldn't trade it for the world.  I am so thankful that your Daddy is such a hard worker and provides for you and I so we can be together!
Also, huge shout-out to the hubs who got a HUGE promotion at work this week!! YAAAY Daddy!! So proud of him!!!!
 new jewelry from grandma -I/ enjoying cuddles on the beach (never get cuddles so I'll take them while I can)

 and the best for last: 

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