10 years. To me that seems like a lifetime ago! I remember in high school teachers would ask you, "Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What will you be doing?" and at the time... wow, that would seem like forever from then.... And even now, if someone were to ask me, "Where do you see yourself in 10 year? What will you be doing?" I honestly don't know... I know one thing for sure-- I will have a TEN year old little girl and hopefully some younger siblings too! Its hard to think that far in advance but yet when I look back on 10 years ago, from today, it seems almost like it was yesterday- okay, maybe more like last week or month.
10 years ago today, I got up early in the morning -- if I had even slept any the night before- my family and I had driven to one of the loveliest places on earth, Waco, TX! This morning we were fighting the crowd and unpacking all of my "stuff" and moving me in to my dorm to begin my freshman year of college at BAYLOR UNIVERSITY!! Little did I know that the next few years would literally change my life and be some of the fondest memories of my life!
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my awesome roomie, Jessica |
I remember, things were very different 10 years ago... believe it or not there wasn't facebook or twitter. We had AIM and that was about it... okay, we had xanga too (remember that!?) where I kept an online "journal" much like this modern day blog I have now.
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one of the "culdies" and a best friend, Jen (we all lived in a "culdesac" on our hall - hence the nickname "culdies") Jen has a daughter, Molly, the same age as Raleigh Grace :) |
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Pamela (Jen's roomate) , Me, and Ranna |
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AXO casual |
So many things are running through my head from my freshman year of college I can't even put it into words... Really, I can't. I love my family but I was so happy when they dropped me off and left... so happy to finally be on my own!! I remember meeting my wonderful roommate for the first time- I had only talked to her via letters and pictures we sent each other. I remember meeting the rest of my hall mates- all of our doors shut automatically but I remember we all had them propped open so we could meet everyone!! I wish I remembered more details of that year and that day! I do remember that this was before the Baylor Science Building was built, before the new parking deck was built by collins, before the panhellenic building, before the new Brooks dorm and before the North Village Community, and many other thing! I lived for Dr. Pepper hour and loved walking around campus and going to common grounds. I did not have a car my first semester, neither did my roommate or many of the other girls on my hall so it was always fun trying to figure out how we were going to get to the grocery store or wal-mart! We had so much fun spending afternoons hanging out in the lobby of the dorm or even sitting on the walls in our hall. We had the best hall!
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Dinner at crickets |
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Dinner at Shulaks or something like that in West, TX (Brittany, Jackie, Tanya - who also went to hs with me and has a daughter RG's age too, and Jen) |
It was such a magnificent year and to think that it all began 10 years ago today.
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AXO foam crush! |
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My birthday party at Blakes apartment |
If you want to read a little of how the year "ended" that freshman year -- here is a little excerpt from my xanga all those many moons ago!
May 5, 2003:
YEAH!!! TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY OF CLASSES!! i can not even begin to believe that my WONDERFUL freshman year is coming to an abrupt ending!! It seems just yesterday that I was moving into this huge dorm with tons of faces I didn’t recognize. It was a world that I had looked forward to for many many years and had been so nervous about entering. How was I going to fit it? Would I have any friends? How would I ever survive? Little did I know that this awkward world would be something that I never wanted to leave. So many people have entered into my life this year, so many wonderful people. I had no idea how wonderful it would be. I have had many high times and some lows but no matter what I made it through them. How, well that doesn’t really matter because I don’t know. All that matters now is that I can not even begin to thank EVERYONE that has entered my life. I have the BEST friends in the world by FAR!!!! Life has changed so much this last year for me and I think for many of you too. I can not believe that it is time to leave. I don’t want to leave. I love it here. But if I were to stay, it wouldn’t be the same because you wouldn’t be here. I am just proud to say that we have 3 more years full of excitement to come. SPamela, I’m so proud that we have started hangin out... were gonna make it to scooners or to grahams sometime, I swear!! Oh and you are the reason for my making bad decisions.... thanks for being such a good influence!! I swear I will stop by just to share the good ol' fun lovin stories of mine that you just looooove to hear haha!! and to all of my wonderful culdies (well all but one LOL I think you know who I’m talkin about--cough-- were never gonna hafta deal with that shiznit ever again thank the whatever!!!) ------ That’s the one thing I will NEVER MISS about this year!!!!! NEVER!!!!! But other than that... GOOD TIMES!!! MANY GOOD TIMES must I add :) !!!! and to my Slinky (Jen)... how will I survive- seriously- without your wonderful smile every morning and you jumpin on my bed to wake me up and the fun notes on my board, and stickys about church with cute boys :) hehe you are awesome and we WILL have lunch at least once a week with each other I promise... to bad our work out schedule never worked hehe, oh well there’s always next year. Hehe ne ways, and to my "little" (Blake) haha sorry just had to! : You are my BEST FRIEND EVER. You have gone through everything with me this year, EVERYTHING!! And I don’t know what I would do without you!! Thanks for never turning your back on me, never. I hope that we will be friends for life and longer than that haha... but i don’t know about the whole soul mate thing... consult Shugs (shannon) for that one haha!! Just to say the least also AXO ROCKS MY WORLD!!!! Your girls.... just.... ROCK!!!!!! Glad to say I have 3 more years with ya’ll too!! This is going to be a long three months but we can do it... you all better be really careful bc I want to see you back in one piece!!! I love you all!! <3 font="font">
OMG this made me smile! I can't believe you remember all those details, even down to the DAY we all moved in! I had no idea! Ha! And I totally forgot about you calling me Slinky back in the day :) Awww. AND I cracked up about the ONE person you WOULD'NT miss!!!! hahahaha she was CRAZYTOWN. So glad we're still friends after all these years :)
ReplyDeleteYou are making me wish I was still in college!! Well, maybe I shouldn't go that far, but you are definitely making me recall some of my fonder moments all those years ago too. Sounds like you had a wonderful time in school.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh I LOVE your journal entry. That is hilarious! And oh how our first days were SO different. I wish I had your attitude. I was a WRECK. I cried the entire time my parents helped me move in and by the end of the day my eyes were so swollen I didn't get to go to the special even that night! ha!