Friday, September 28, 2012

RG by the Week: Week 49

Sept 18-24
Wow!! Are we really winding down the weeks until my sweet baby girl turns ONE!? How can this be!!?? 
You love playing with shoes

Cheering on your Baylor Bears!
We took you for your check up this past week to see if your double ear infection was gone and you were 18 1/2 lbs! :) (When you went two weeks ago they wouldn't let me put a dry diaper on you and they said it wouldn't matter much- well you lost a whole pound in two weeks going from a wet diaper to a dry one haha -- I made sure you were dry before they weighed you this time ;) )
she got herself in there... and I think she might be stuck ha

You have started signing "All Done/Finished" and "Night Night" 
You cut your 1st TOP tooth!
You had your first PBJ sandwich (without the PB of course!) :)
you love eating lunch with GGdaddy! :) 

Getting into things...
You love your bunny (that you sleep with), walking, feeding yourself, exploring things, doing your scruntchy nose grin, Brown Bear (which you call "buh buh"), when people talk to you in public, being the center of attention 

getting into trouble!

yup, that last picture is how you got "down" haha

You are an awesome sleeper! Your naps are anywhere from 2-3 hours and you sleep 10-12 hours at night depending on when I put you down.  You don't get up in the mornings until 9 or 10am! 

after sleeping from 8:30pm  - 9am! 

You nurse about 5-6 times a day -- in the am when you wake up, when you go down for your 1st nap, (sometimes when you wake up from your nap), when you go down for your 2nd nap, (sometimes when you wake up from your nap), and before bed at night.  Randomly there will be another feeding in there but usually its just "snacking" for you.  You nurse from 5-10 minutes max.  
You are eating all table food- we have had a hard time getting you to eat veggies so I bought you some of the baby food pouches of veggies and you will eat those.  You are just miss independent and don't want anyone feeding you.  You love the pouches of applesauce too!
Favs- bananas, avacado, applesauce from a pouch, teddy grams, cheerios, puffs, lunch meat, hot dogs and veggie straws
You still like your yogurt okay but not like you used to. 
you stick that bottom lip out ALL the time ha! 

you also love lunch with Auntie

6 month for the most part- your sleepers are starting to get a little bit "short" in the feet but your 6-9 are still a little big but thats what we are transitioning to. You also wear some 9 month things.  Size two diapers (but totally ready for 3's we are just trying to use up what we have!)

you love sitting on the bed and leaning backwards and throwing yourself onto the bed, then sitting up and repeating :)

Favorite Moments:
You have started to "cuddle" a tiny bit more- Daddy watched you the other day while I did some shopping and he sent me the sweetest picture of you laying on him on the couch.  You will cuddle for 5 mins max in about 30 second intervals hah this is more than usual though :)
Watching you walk around- everywhere! Watching you explore on your own!
watching some football with Daddy

Most Challenging: 
You have started bursting out with a LOUD high pitch squeal or scream when you don't get what you want or when you are frustrated.  You also do this thing where you will grab Mommy or Daddy's face and pinch it as hard as you can- frankly it hurts and you often scratch us with your sharp little nails... I'm not sure why you do this but we are trying to tell you "No" very firmly and you usually just grin and laugh.  It makes me wonder if you think you are being funny...? 
helping daddy with dishes (aka spinning the water spinner)

looking up at Mama! 

Looking Forward to: 
{not!} Your 1st Birthday Party!! I really am looking forward to it, just don't want you to grow up!! 
Talking a walk with PawPaw and using his walking stick :) 

playing with PawPaw at his house- climbing the stairs

and all the cheerios are dumped out again...

Climbing the stairs

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Goodbye to the Gummy Grin!

We have a top tooth!!! 

I can not believe it... She has finally cut her third tooth!! The last two she cut back in June! Three months later we have another!
 Sorry, but I have yet to get a picture of it-- its her top left front tooth- you can really see it but it has just barely broken through.  The right one looks like its a matter of days before it comes through.  
Teething for Miss RG has been so easy, I know I know... we are SO lucky!! I'm not trying to brag- just document.  I knew she was getting ready to cut it because it came down (around her 9 month appointment) and then it suddenly disappeared- since then I have been on the edge of my seat... waiting...waiting... (yes, she is 11 months old now ha).  
A few days ago she started sucking on her top lip and making a sort of fishy face.  She started drooling more and really chewing on things more (for example her teething ring ha).  Monday I kept feeling it because it was right.there. (!!!) but I do not think it broke through until Tues (9/25).  

Congrats sweet Raleigh Grace on finally having a top tooth!

This is her personality 99.9% of the time... saying goodbye to that gummy grin... :)
I can't get over how BIG she looks with her new Mary Jane's on! :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The News...

(this is a post from when Mallorie was here and I'm not sure why it never posted... its still too cute not to share though!)

Yesterday we decided we would take a stroll to dinner... We pushed the girls in their strollers to a delicious Mexican restaurant and on the way home stopped at one of my favorite "whole foods" type grocery stores. On the way out K noticed a free "news" paper stand and grabbed one. Raleigh Grace took it from her and thought it was the best toy ever. She loved it!!! Can you tell?! :)

Southern Mama's Blog Hop!


We are thrilled to have you!
 I am so happy to be co-hosting this awesome blog hop and I hope that you will join us!
The purpose of this blog hop is to connect with other Mamas (Pet Mamas arewelcome too!)
who have, ever secretly desired to, or are currently living on Southern soil.
Not from the South, you say? No problem! We’d still love for you to join us.
We’ll gladly adopt you and make you an honorary Southern Belle!
So go grab yourself a glass of sweet tea and let’s party!!


1.   Kindly follow each of the hostesses as a way of saying Thank You for the opportunity to connect with other like-minded bloggers.
Please leave a comment to let them know that you are following along so that we can return the favor J

Megan at All Things New
Kimberly at Sew Encouraging
Allie (me! hehe) at Living the Adventures 

2.     Grab a button and spread the word!
3.     Mix and mingle with other bloggers. Leave a comment and let them know you found them via the Southern Mamas blog hop. 
*Tip* Be sure that your email address is connected to your blogger profile. This makes it much easier for those who wishto reply to your comments.  You have no idea how many times I want to reply to a comment someone left me and I can't because there is no email attached with their blog-- make sure you aren't one of those missing replies!  
4.    Have some fun!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Two Peas in a Pod aka Twinkies!

I promised I would post more pictures of the cutest little girlies ever aka Emma Claire and Raleigh Grace aka Two Peas in a Pod aka Twinkies (we really did get asked almost every time we were in public if they were twins)... I just love the pics of this fun trip with Mallorie and Emma Claire !!! We love ya'll!

(and I'm crossing my fingers this post might convince them they need to come back-- like SOON! We could always go to BSF together and so could our babes... you know it would be greatness! ;) ) 

(pardon the fact that lots of these are iphone quality aka not the best, and unedited.  enjoy!)
RG by the Week: 47 Weeks
the mornings started out like this... sharing some "breakfast" and they just happened to be wearing matching jammies this morning! 

and a little cuddling... RG loved it even if she doesn't look thrilled :-P

and they have matching "I <3 bbq="bbq" course="course" nbsp="nbsp" of="of" onesies="onesies" restaurant="restaurant" td="td" that="that" the="the" they="they" to="to" wore="wore">

at the produce stand... :) 

oh their faces... totally crack me up! 
at the Plantation in their smocked goodness... too bad it was 100 degrees and they were NOT feeling the photo shoot. RG loved EC's barn animals :)  
they enjoyed lots of bath time fun... 
oh my word, they were such a hoot squealing and bouncing in the cart- literally entertained the whole store 
eating out together lots

RG teaching EC how to walk :)  
sharing toys

playing at GGDaddys house together

as always, entertaining the whole restaurant 
inside a little photo shoot 
oh the joy's of a wipe box

more "sharing" of the toys... ha! 
 and until next time we get to play again... 
BFF's holding hands!! :) 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Meet Uncle Mike!!

Today I'm linking up with Kelly at Kelly's Korner for "Show Us Your Singles" Day!

Meet Uncle Mike!!!

Mike has been one of my husband's closest friends for a LONG time!!
 He is kind, loyal and has a great sense of humor!!  He is very selfless and is always helping others-- when Raleigh Grace was born he was always asking what he could do for us and how he could help- he is one of those people who will drop his life for you- seriously!  
Speaking of Raleigh Grace, he is WONDERFUL with kids!! He has a younger sister who is 8 years younger than him and he helped to raise her.  He has always loved kids.  When Raleigh Grace was just a few months old he asked if he could be "Uncle Mike" to Raleigh Grace.  Of course that melted my heart and he is now Uncle Mike for sure! Not only does he love her but she LOVES him as well!

Mike, on top of all of his awesome traits, has a personal, strong, relationship with Jesus Christ and that is evident in his life.  

When I asked K (my hub's) to describe Mike he said that he is "genuine, country and confident."  He loves the outdoors and enjoys fishing, camping, hiking and backpacking.  He is an Eagle Scout and still enjoys helping younger kids at camp in the summer's.  On top of all of that he still likes to go out with friends and have a good time too.
Oh and as an added bonus he also plays the guitar! ;)

Mike, My Father-in-law (holding RG), my hubby K and my brother- all Boy Scouts!

and if this isn't the sweetest pic of Mike and K walking Raleigh Grace, I don't know what is...!!

Feel free to email me or leave me a comment... but please PLEASE do not get discouraged if things do not work out this time. Let God be your comforter--He is good (all the time) and he has a GREAT plan for your life...
Jeremiah 29:11

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