This is my first time to ever participate in the "A Day in the Life" posts ... I have always wanted to do it but just never felt my day was productive or eventful enough... some days, lets be honest, I never make it out of my pj's and neither does Raleigh Grace. {wheph- glad thats out in the open!}
**if you don't think you can make it to the end-- there is a question I have about bedtime routines... skip to that part if you think you might have some suggestions ;) **
So here we go... (and mind you- I kept up with the time for a little while, and then... well... I didn't write it down anymore so I just thought I would forget about it)
5:45am RG wakes up and I get her out of her crib and we lay down in the bed in her room and I nurse her. I then lay her back in her crib and shes back asleep.
6:30am Daddy gets up and ges to work- I try to get a little more sleep before RG is up for the day... but I don't fall back asleep until 7:30.
8:30am Raleigh Grace wakes up- I nurse her again and put her in her swing. I'm not sure why but I was honestly so exausted that I had to lay back down for a little bit- luckily RG cooperates and takes a short nap.
9:30am We are both out of bed! WAHOO! ha. We go in her room and we both sit on the floor in her room and play with the stuffed animals, stackable cups, balls, books and anything else we can get our hands on.
from the other day, but you get the idea ;) |
She gets bored so I move her to her jumperaoo while I make myself breakfast-- toasted poptarts (without the icing) with a little butter on top. I'm telling yall... its all I can do to just eat some mornings ha!
She plays for a little while and then its time for different scenery!
I put her in her bumbo on the kitchen counter and she helped me unload the dishwasher.
11am-Raleigh Grace is ready for lunch so I feed her green beans, bananas and apples. There was just a little green beans and bananas left from yesterday so she finished those off. I think she is eating about 4+oz of baby food twice a day at this point. (2 baby bullet servings at each feeding or more- *see dinner time tonight*)
I move her bumbo over to the top of the dryer and she helps me start a load of laundry- today was Tuesday, so it was towel (and rugs) day. (I am trying really hard to stay on a laundry schedule so I don't get behind and have to do 10 loads of laundry in a day.) She is happy as a lark and plays with her wooden spoon while I sweep the kitchen.
okay so she is already dressed- that means these pics are from later today... but alas she still loves the spoon ha! |
11:45 I nurse her and by noon she goes down for her first full nap of the day.
1:00 pm she is awake and we play some more in her room and she starts to get really fussy. I bring her to her jumperoo and she plays for a few minutes while I gather some coupons for our grocery trip. I move her to the swing because she was fussy and before I can even get my hands off of her she is screaming bloody murder so I pick her back up (why is she spoiled? hehe) and take her to her room. I get her dressed for the day and sit her on my bed with some toys and pillows around her to keep her occupied until I can get dressed. She doesn't like that either so I go ahed and strap her into her carseat and give her her passy. She is finally content for a few minutes- I throw on some clothes and make sure the diaper bag is packed. I am wearing a hat for the first time since before she was born- she doesnt know what to think... she gives me this look:

2:30ish we finally head out the door!! We stop by the bank and then I swing through Chick-fil-a for some strips and a water before heading to Victoria's Secret! (I think this was her first trip there- I had a coupon for some free undies and 10 dollars off a purchase). When I got there K was just getting off work and was working next door and saw me pull in so he walked over to our car and helped me unpack RG. We all went to VS and I got a new pair of undies and some perfume for FREE! Love a good deal!
We then headed over to the grocery store as a family. As we were walking in, I noticed they had an ad posted on their door saying they were doing "Super Double Coupons" -- basically any coupon under $1.98 they would double! SCORE!! I am not sure how K and I both missed that memo considering he is in and out of grocery stores every day, several times a day.
Anyways-- what was going to be a quick in and out trip turned into a "COUPON QUEEN" trip! (did you get the reference from the Toddles and Tiera's little girl? If not you can see it {
Raleigh Grace sat in the buggie for the 1st time!! :) She thought it was the best thing ever and kept sqeeling and screaming haha. Luckily, everyone thinks she is adorable (because she is!) and just thought it was the cutest thing ever. She kept trying to pull her legs up over the handle though... too funny! Before we left she fell asleep in her stroller and caught a 30-45 minute nap.
she was so happy just kicking her legs and talking... :) |
my absolute favorite! she was just kicked back relaxing! :) haha |
5:ooish we got home and RG and I unloaded the towels and folded them (I say "we" because again, she was in her bumbo on the dryer playing with the infamous wooden spoon- it seriously provides a lot of entertainment as of today ha!)
5:30ish We put the clothes away and I took her back into the kitchen and started getting dinner ready. K came and got her and they went and played in her bedroom while I got dinner ready. I made Italian Chicken, green beans, and potatoes! So EASY and SO good! Once dinner was in the oven K brought RG to me.
6:45ish- I started feeding RG some apples that I had made yesterday and she went. to. town. on them. I was trying to wash, peel and cut up some sweet potatoes to steam for her while I was feeding her and she started getting impatient so K took over on the feeding and I continued to make her some Sweet Potatoes. She LOVES sweet potatoes! It's really hard to tell what her "favorite" food is but this might be it... I ate TONS of them while I was pregnant with her and still love them myself so I am really not surprised. She ate 1 1/2 containers of apples and didn't seem satisfied so K fed her 2 oz's of Sweet Potatoes I had just prepared. She is such a great eater!
7:15ish We bring her to the dining room and sit down to eat as a family. Raleigh Grace was happy sucking on her spoon or trying to pick up tiny bits of food we put on her tray. This was the first time we had ever put "food" (besides puffs) out for her to grab at. K cut up some tiny bits of potatoes and green beans. She would try and try to get them but never could... she finally PINCHED (yaaay for thumb and pointer working together!) a green bean and got it to her mouth! I was so proud of her and she was proud of herself too- you could tell!
8:00ish K gave RG a bath and while he was doing that she was in such a great mood I skyped my mom. They all watched RG playing in the bath and screaming and they loved it!
8:30ish RG starts getting a little fussy and K gets her out of the bath and dresses her in her jammies. I nurse her and within 10 minutes she is out like a light!
9pm she is asleep and I lay her in her crib. She wakes up, finds her thumb and dozes right back off. This is about an hour and a half-ish (don't you love all the ish'es) earlier than her normal go-to-bed routine. Usually we started the bedtime routine around 10pm and she was asleep around 11/ 11:15. The past 3 or 4 nights we have tried to get her to sleep by 10pm but every time she has woken up in the middle of the night (any suggestions from mom's out there??)... Last night she went to bed at 10:45 and slept to 5:45 so that was a little improvement. Right now it is 11pm and she is still asleep. Here's to praying she sleeps through the night! :)
SWEET DREAMS! (Wheph, I'm just exausted typing all of that! ha) Hope you enjoyed!!
**update-- she did not sleep well... ugh my fault much? maybe. She woke up around 2, 4, and 6 am... no bueno! We are still working on moving her bedtime up little by little...**