Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sister Auntie FUN!!

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately-- I may have mentioned this in Raleigh Grace's weekly update last week, but my sister (RG's auntie) flew in last week and is spending a week and a half with us! This is the first time she has seen Raleigh Grace since she was here and saw her right after she was born!  
We have been having lots of fun as you can tell from this: 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

RG by the Week: 31 Weeks!

May 15-21

we weighed her at the beginning of this week and she was still a few ounces short of 15lbs :)

Milestones/Firsts: (LOTS this week!)
First time flying on a plane (to TX)
First time going to Texas
First time in a swing
First time meeting all of her Texas friends (and her boyfriend, Ashton ;) )
First time staying in the Nursery at church
For the first time she cried when I went out of the room (see behavior)
first time on a plane
first time on a swing- loved it!
happy about being in Texas :)
first time in the Nursery
RG and my future son-in-law!
She is so outgoing and loves making friends with new people.  On our flight to Texas she would squeal at the people if they quit paying attention to her :) She loved taking in all of the sights and people watching! This is the first week I have noticed that she will start fussing or crying when I leave the room (she first did this at Kelly's house in TX when she was going to watch her while I showered).  RG was so good on our trip with minimal sleep and didn't mind everyone holding her :)
She still wants nothing to do with crawling (or being on her belly for that matter) she can "sort-of" scoot on her bottom and has become a pro at reaching and bending while she is sitting down to get what she wants.
just hanging out with GGdaddy... she literally laid like this for about 10 minutes

Still nursing every 3-4 hours, except at night... eating 2 meals a day (lunch and evening)... she will eat about 4-6 ounces per feeding.  She has a great appetite :)
She still loves her puffs and the yogurt bites.

Pretty good for the most part... until we went to Texas.  She and I slept in the same bed in TX and I kept her up really late with minimal naps... she was a trooper and was always on her best behavior for the most part but I think it has messed up her sleep schedule some.
passed out the first night in TX
3 month  clothes "fit" the best but she her 3 month sleepers are too small (her legs are too long) we have a couple 3-6 month sleepers that she can wear, she is also wearing her six month clothes too- surely she will get to wear them for awhile which makes me happy because she has some really cute clothes!! :)

Favorite Moments:
Flying to TEXAS!!! We had such a GREAT trip hanging out with our awesome friends: Kelly, Mackie, Jayden, Devon, Dillon, Melanie, Ashton, Lori, Caleb, Sarah, Andy, Jana, Jana, Kendall, Jon, Chelsea Randi Kay and Leslie and more!

Most Challenging:
I was sooo nervous about the flight but really, she did AWESOME!  I guess you could say sleeping in TX was a bit challenging- she and I shared a bed and she wasn't used to that but made it work.  She started waking up a bunch during the night (prob due to me waking her up) but really it wasnt that bad :)

Looking Forward to:
My sister coming next weekend... this will be her first time to see Raleigh Grace since she as BORN!!

Mommy Moments:
Feeling like a MAJOR SUPER mom spending 4 days ON MY OWN with a BABY!! Shout out to ALL you single moms out there-- I do not know how you do it everyday, major props to you!! Yall really are super mom's!! :)
It was soooo awesome to spend time with some of my favorite ladies! :) :) :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's OFFICIAL!! :)

After months and months of debating... my hubby finally gave me the final "push" to jump on board!  
All of you mom's out there know that we can all use some "me" time (and a little extra cash) every once in a blue moon so what better way to do that than have parties with my friends!?!

I am so happy that I {finally} made the decision to sell Scentsy!! :) 

If you or anyone you know needs any of the awesome products I would be more than happy to help!! Don't know what "Scentsy" is!? Check out my site and of course feel free to ask me any questions!!

Wanna hear my story? Check it out here!! 

....oh and to my lovely blog readers... stay tuned... I might just be hosting a giveaway of some sort soon ;) ... just sayin :-D

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Weekend Wrap-up TEXAS edition via Instagram :)

This weekend was so much fun for RG and I... though we missed K sooo much!! I thought I would show you some of our fun from this past {long} weekend to TEXAS!! This was the first time back for me since we moved and Raleigh Grace's first time to TX ever! 

It was a weekend of lots of Firsts

1st time on a plane
1st time in the nursery at church
1st time on a swing
1st time meeting all of my TX friends and students from last year

(hopefully a more detailed post coming soon!)

This weekend pics via Instagram :) Do you follow me: alliemacfallie ? If not you should!!
Here we go... First plane ride for @theraleighgrace !! Already missing daddy
on the plane and ready to go... Already squealing with joy!! :-P 
I think it's safe to say @TheRaleighGrace loves #texas !!! :)

They call it love at first sight!  
First time in a swing!! :) 
I LOVE #TEXAS SUNSETS!! Especially with a great friend

Ahhh here we go!! First time in the nursery!! :)

Enjoying our last afternoon in Texas with a nice walk 

Can't wait to see daddy!!

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