May 15-21
we weighed her at the beginning of this week and she was still a few ounces short of 15lbs :)
Milestones/Firsts: (LOTS this week!)
First time flying on a plane (to TX)
First time going to Texas
First time in a swing
First time meeting all of her Texas friends (and her boyfriend, Ashton ;) )
First time staying in the Nursery at church
For the first time she cried when I went out of the room (see behavior)
first time on a plane |
first time on a swing- loved it! |
happy about being in Texas :) |
first time in the Nursery |
RG and my future son-in-law! |
She is so outgoing and loves making friends with new people. On our flight to Texas she would squeal at the people if they quit paying attention to her :) She loved taking in all of the sights and people watching! This is the first week I have noticed that she will start fussing or crying when I leave the room (she first did this at Kelly's house in TX when she was going to watch her while I showered). RG was so good on our trip with minimal sleep and didn't mind everyone holding her :)
She still wants nothing to do with crawling (or being on her belly for that matter) she can "sort-of" scoot on her bottom and has become a pro at reaching and bending while she is sitting down to get what she wants.
just hanging out with GGdaddy... she literally laid like this for about 10 minutes |
Still nursing every 3-4 hours, except at night... eating 2 meals a day (lunch and evening)... she will eat about 4-6 ounces per feeding. She has a great appetite :)
She still loves her puffs and the yogurt bites.
Pretty good for the most part... until we went to Texas. She and I slept in the same bed in TX and I kept her up really late with minimal naps... she was a trooper and was always on her best behavior for the most part but I think it has messed up her sleep schedule some.
passed out the first night in TX |
3 month clothes "fit" the best but she her 3 month sleepers are too small (her legs are too long) we have a couple 3-6 month sleepers that she can wear, she is also wearing her six month clothes too- surely she will get to wear them for awhile which makes me happy because she has some really cute clothes!! :)
Favorite Moments:
Flying to TEXAS!!! We had such a GREAT trip hanging out with our awesome friends: Kelly, Mackie, Jayden, Devon, Dillon, Melanie, Ashton, Lori, Caleb, Sarah, Andy, Jana, Jana, Kendall, Jon, Chelsea Randi Kay and Leslie and more!
Most Challenging:
I was sooo nervous about the flight but really, she did AWESOME! I guess you could say sleeping in TX was a bit challenging- she and I shared a bed and she wasn't used to that but made it work. She started waking up a bunch during the night (prob due to me waking her up) but really it wasnt that bad :)
Looking Forward to:
My sister coming next weekend... this will be her first time to see Raleigh Grace since she as BORN!!
Mommy Moments:
Feeling like a MAJOR SUPER mom spending 4 days ON MY OWN with a BABY!! Shout out to ALL you single moms out there-- I do not know how you do it everyday, major props to you!! Yall really are super mom's!! :)
It was soooo awesome to spend time with some of my favorite ladies! :) :) :)